

Gissing Community Building’s tranquil village setting makes it ideal for meditative activities such as yoga, Pilates, Qigong and Tai-Chi and other therapies. The building’s light and airy, purpose built spaces and sprung floor are also suitable for all types of fitness class.   New ideas for classes promoting healthy living are welcomed, particularly those catering for older age groups.


We currently run weekly Yoga classes with Hellen, a fully qualified  yoga  instructor,  designed to help with strength, flexibility and mind-body awareness, physical ailments, recovery from illness or injury, stress and anxiety

Contact: hellen@beautifullybalanced.today

Jungle Body

This is a high engergy exercise class using a variety of dicsipline to achieve a full body workout.

Contact Charlotteskipp@hotmail.com for more information


From time to time there are various workshops employing different techniques such as Pilates, Trauma Release Exercise (TRE) and dance /performance.

Wellbeing Cafe

The wellbeing cafe has been on hold due to the pandemic, however it is due to be reinstated by Easter for a drop and chat, soup and a sandwich, coffee tea and cake on the last Friday of the month 11.00 a.m. -1.00 p.m..

For details contact 

Prospective Hirers

If you are looking for a venue to run a fitness or wellbeing class or therapies, which don't clash with our existing hires please get in touch to discuss availability, we wopuld love to hear from you.